A 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
About Us
Six Gam Patidar Samaj-Chicago, is a community non-profit 501(C)(3)organization, continuing the traditions of our ancestors by celebrating events tied to our history and culture. Run by a dedicated board, our goal is to continue spreading our culture to future generations, as well as our elders, by providing access to annual events and programming geared towards bettering our community.
Our events span from March through November each year starting with our Natak Event, taking us through our Picnic in the summer, and then leading into our prime season events such as our Garba and our keynote Diwali Dinner Event.
Maintaining our community is important to preserving our culture. As we expand our reach out to the next generation, we welcome you to send any comments or feedback to info@sixgam.com.
SGPS non-profit Federal Tax ID # 36-3318227